Board and Team
Joint Powers Board
Leon Olson, Theresia Gillie - Kittson County
Andrew Muir, Sam Anderson - Kittson SWCD
Daryl Wicklund, Levi Novacek - Roseau County
Landon Olson, John Gaukerud - Roseau SWCD
Chair: Landon Olson
Vice-Chair: Andrew Muir
Secretary: Leon Olson
Treasurer: Daryl Wicklund
Steering Team
vacant - Kittson County
Jeremy Benson - Kittson SWCD
Sky Olsonawski - Kittson SWCD
Lane Nordin - Kittson County
Ericka Halstensgard - Roseau County
Janine Lovold - Roseau SWCD
Shonda Jelle - Roseau SWCD
Scott Johnson - Roseau SWCD
Matt Fischer- Board of Water and Soil Resources
Henry Van Offelen - Board of Water and Soil Resources
The Steering Team (ST) is comprised of local government staff of the JPB and regional BWSR staff. Local government staff is responsible for logistical and day-to-day tasks of carrying out the implementation process.